Exchange of experiences in Kyiv, Ukraine
A two-day exchange of experiences on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions took place in Kyiv, Ukraine between 5-6 December 2017. A distinguished delegation with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öztürk, Undersecretary of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU) of Republic of Turkey, as well as MRV Project Turkey representatives joined the event.
Kick-off event
The two-day event commenced with the kick-off of the project “Support for the Establishment of an Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in Ukraine” which will be carried out by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Ukraine in collaboration with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (MENR).
Opening remarks were given by Ms. Svitlana Grinchuk, Head of Department of Climate Policy, MENR, Dr. Dirk Weinreich, Head of Division Kl l3 – Legal Issues Climate Policy and Energy, Emissions Trading, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and Ms. Sabine Müller, Country Director of GIZ Ukraine & Belarus.
Presentations about Ukrainian Climate Policy and ETS followed.
In a first panel discussion on “Sharing international experience on emissions trading within the framework of climate policy”, Undersecretary Öztürk underlined the successful actions taken by Turkey against climate change. Mr. Öztürk stressed that in the framework of the MRV Project in Turkey, around 700 installation operators from industry and energy sectors are reporting their annual emissions to MoEU. He stated that a national monitoring system has already been established with the implementation of “Communique of Monitoring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions” in 2014 and that market based mechanisms are still being evaluated.
A second panel discussion addressed the current status of MRV legislation in Ukraine and its accreditation and verification system.
Closing remarks were given by Svitlana Grinchuk, Head of Department of Climate Policy, MENR.
Workshop on experiences with MRV in Turkey
The kick-off was followed by a fruitful exchange of experiences in a workshop on the second day. After an introduction by both MoEU and MENR, presentations were held by MoEU and GIZ Turkey representatives under high participation and resulted in an active exchange and questions answered.
The first presentation focused on setting up an MRV system in Turkey, its regulations, accreditation and verification. The second part of the workshop dealt with establishing a Data Management System (DMS). Prerequisites and challenges were outlined in detail. To have a better understanding of the system, a live presentation of the DMS was conducted. Lastly, lessons learnt in Turkey were shared.
In conclusion, the two-day event was a success for all attending parties. Both the Turkish and the Ukrainian side were pleased with the cooperation and agreed to continue their exchange. MoEU emphasized that it is ready to support MENR in further activities.